You may remember a little name Debra Romer from this past summer’s America’s Got Talent, but in case you don’t, I’ll give you a quick idea. Debra is from Kalamazoo, Michigan, and was trying out for AGT to see if she could further her dream of a music career. When first she appeared, it was obvious she was nervous, but would change in an instant, when she got to sing. Debra stopped the audience cold and sent chills up my spine the first time I heard her. She eventually made it through many more rounds, but sadly didn’t make it to the top 10. Here is a quick under three minute video of how it went down: (if you want the full version of the spot, click here)
This is not where the story stops though, her exposure on the show got her many calls and new contacts. She even started using her twitter account a lot more. Debra even created her own fan page on facebook and began to talk to her fans on a more personal level. (Even sending out autographed photos!) Soon she had enough support to put out a 7-track album titled “This was Unexpected” and also released it on iTunes. Well Debra wanted to start a new project, so she went to a fairly new idea and website called KickStarter. The idea behind KickStarter is that you have an idea or product, but you need more money than you can raise on your own, so you entice people by giving them certain “prizes” (I use the term looseley) for different levels of money pledges. Debra had and idea of $4,000 in mind, but only posted $3,000 for her idea. She was going to use the money for moving to L.A. and producing a new EP that she hopes to get off the ground with. Well she was awakened by an overwhelming response and wonderful emails this morning. She had come to find that in the 1st day of her kickstarter project, she had raised over $11,00 (and still rising). WOW, the power of internet and loving people who want to see Debra Romer, live in their hometown!!!!!!! After gathering herself up off the floor, Ms. Romer recorded this video with an update to the project:
All I can say is, good luck and hope to see you soon in Nashville, TN!!!!!