Posted in Technology

fonera 2.0n hits the US market


FON has announced the release of the fonera 2.0n, FINALLY!!! What is FON you ask? FON is a internet sharing community. Basically, you buy a fonera router and it gives you two wireless signals at home. One private and one public. You can share your public for FREE, and you are a Linus. You can also sell your wifi to other users for money, and then you are a Bill, or if your a user who pays for internet, then you are an alien. There is a full article on the wiki if you click the logos below. Now to be completely honest, both of my previous foneros were free for some promotions that they had. This is the biggest reason why I joined the community. Plus I like the idea, if I share internet at home, I can get internet where ever I go in the world of FON users. (This is called Fonero gets Fonero)


This upgrade is a long awaited announcement. (See here and here) With this new router, you can get a torrent downloader that works with no PC required, a YouTube uploaded without PC again, wireless HDD access[via USB plug], wireless printing [via USB plug] and much more. You can see the full out details on the router itself on the FON website.

f2nfeaturessmallThis router even has Facebook, Twitter, Picasa, Flickr and MegaUpload integration. Basically, this router is a computer on its own. A small cool feature that was added on this time around, was the ‘fonera’ lookup inside your web browser instead of the or whatever IP address you have it setup as on your home network. You can also see a new video in which FON has posted on their website about the new router:

If you would like to purchase the router, you can go to the FON shop and order it now.

via [Engadget] [FON]