Posted in Apple, Technology

Skype updated with over 3G and Multitasking

Remember way back last year when AT&T announced they would allow Skype VoIP calls over 3G? Well its been quite a while, but now with the new iOS4, Skype has finally updated to allow their calls over 3G to happen and allow them to be received even after the app is left. It will run in the background to allow you be online all the time. When you receive a call, a little notification bubble will pop up and let you know who is calling. The best part is that there are no additional charges for using your data instead of minutes. The only thing is, if you just jumped on the “unlimited” iPhone plan, you only have 2GB instead of those who were grandfathered in with the 5GB cap.

You can download the app here (opens App Store)

via [Skype]

Posted in Digg, Technology

Skype CEO and FCC Chairman in Washington

Julius Genachowski

Josh Silverman
Josh Silverman

Skype CEO John Silverman and FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski will both be at an event at the Brookings Institute in D.C. today talking about the future of the internet.

Silverman will be talking about getting Skype on the 3G network of cell phone providers. Right now Skype is currently blocked over 3G networks and only allowed over wireless routers that are wired to home or business networks. Silverman thinks that this will challenge the providers which most likely won’t be favored in the cell industry. Especially since Skype traffic would be over the internet and not used against your cell phone minutes.

Genachowski will be talking about how the internet needs to stay a free and open platform. Basically that net neutrality needs to be the rule. He may reference the Comcast debacle that was back in 2008Genachowski doesn’t want the providers constricting the “lanes” of the information super highway. He wants the internet to be available to all and make sure that it is affordable as well. He makes note of the fact that in many towns, there are very few providers driving any sort of competition, and in many towns, there is just only one. He belives every household should have many different options, wired or wireless; and the same goes for the rules on both wireless and wired as far as the restrictions. Wirless providers should not be able to restrict traffic based upon their protocols or destinations.

via [Digg] [ArsTechnica] [GigaOM]