Posted in Technology

Vimeo releases ‘couch mode’ to rival YouTube’s ‘leanback mode’

So it seems rival HD video website Vimeo has launched a very similar service to that of YouTube to accommodate the GoogleTV. The name is “Couch Mode“, which again rivals “Leanback Mode“. The idea behind it is, that on the GoogleTV, there isn’t yet an app directly for Vimeo, but allows for browsing of the site and its contents very easily from the couch. This mode is currently only usable in Chrome and Safari, so for most of the world out there, Firefox and Internet Explorer, you won’t be able to view this mode, unless you go and download and install the appropriate browser. Obviously on the GoogleTV, that browser already exists, so it seems kind of pointless to get it into that mode, but if your into trying new things, I say give it a shot; as my laptop is hooked up to my HDTV a lot as it is, and having YouTube and Vimeo in a better viewing experience is great! Take a look see at the promo video below:

See for yourself!

Music: “I Saw The Way You Looked At Me” by Windom Earle

Pretty Cool huh?? So I played around with it, and if you want some screenshots, take a look at what I was playing with to give you an idea on what it looks like inside of Safari:

Posted in Technology

Vimeo is soon to be an app on the iPhone, but for now, just video support

Vimeo announced last week that they will be joining the ranks of YouTube and now be supported on the iPhone. They have not done the entire site, but just the staff picks and HD sections for now. All you have to do is find a link and it will play within Safari on the iPhone. Now this will also work with Android based phones as well, so all of you who just bought the DROID on verizon can watch as well. This will hopefully spread the love for Vimeo if you don’t already know what it is. See a screen shot stolen from CNET below:


via [CNET]