Posted in Apple

White Unicorn iPhone is OFFICIAL

Even though Sony seems to be having issues with the PSN, and losing members credit cards, Apple seems to be having a BIG day; two major announcments from the big ‘A’. They finally made the official announcement that our iPhones are not tracking us, but that they are tracking local wifi and cell tower spots, to help improve and possibly bring future features via a “crowed-sourced traffic database”.  (Sources:Apple Insider, Boy Genius Report, CNET, Engadget, TechCrunch,ArsTechnica & GigaOm)
As I said before, I don’t really care about the issue, but a lot of people do, so if you want, you can read all of the articles that said something about it, and form your own opinion.

The other BIG announcement from Apple was the WHITE iPhone!!!!!!!!!!! It’s been almost a year since the original announcement of the iPhone 4, being both in black and white, but we never saw the white iPhone materialize, but after a few days of rumors and retail store inventory screenshots, it is finally Official from Apple. We have a set date of April 28th (ArsTechnica, CrucnGear, Engadget, Boy Genius Report & CNET)!!So whip out your debit/credit card and head to the store. Now the issue I see for tomorrow is long lines and those who pre-ordered last June (2010). Will this cause a bottleneck limited supply issue? I would say yes, but only those in the tech world are really paying attention to this, and well, maybe those that pre-ordered it. My question is, will they get priority on the supply? I would think so. So I don’t have to be into work until 9AM tomorrow, so if any store is opening early for this launch, I will go. If not, I’ll just order one, or stop by a store here locally. I don’t think my town will have a huge supply of them here, so I may have to go with ordering one. I would keep watching these sites for further information, as AT&T may do an opening or Apple may open early. So go get your white unicorn iPhone!!