It is to be said that the iPhone has revolutionized the cell phone market, but soon maybe able to also revolutionize the wallet! With all the news and leaks of the 4th generation of the iPhone (HD/4G), it seems Visa would want you to keep the older version of this phone. It seems that Visa will be doing some test market phones later this summer with its PayWave technology on the iPhone 3G and 3GS. It seems that it will be a case that can be slipped on the iPhone to make it happen; as it will use a secure memory card that can be used in any other smartphones as well. So it seems this technology will not be limited just to the iPhone, but in some parts of the world, this is already happening. We shall see.
I can’t wait till the only thing I have to carry is my iPhone.. no wallet (Visa PayWave), no keys (Viper Smart Start).
via [Apple Insider] via [Nearfield Communications]