Posted in Apple, Technology

FaceTime goes Multi-Deviced

So you think your iPhone friends are the only people you can talk to with your brand new shiny iPhone 4?? As of today, no longer. Fring ( has updated their app (and it was approved by Apple) to now include the front facing camera to be used in their app over 3G. Now the caveat is that they need to be using Fring as well on the other side, but this is open to all smartphones that can install the Fring app. For example the Droid family or even Nokia devices. The bottom line is, Video Calls over 3G! For the rest of you that don’t have a iPhone 4, you can still use the app with its updates of multi-tasking, a social stream and a smarter address book.

Check out the video below:

via [Engadget] via [Fring]