So this video is from the TED (Technology, Entertainment & Design) talks shows how YouTube apparently has Super Computers doing their dirty work for them, but they do allow for some videos to be copied, watch to see how it all works:
via [Digg]
So this video is from the TED (Technology, Entertainment & Design) talks shows how YouTube apparently has Super Computers doing their dirty work for them, but they do allow for some videos to be copied, watch to see how it all works:
via [Digg]
YouTube will still be serving up its millions of videos, but now a select few will be in pretty new 1080p. Mr Steve Chen (co-founder) announced this information last Thursday NewTeeVee Live conference. Now this will be a step up from the current HD offering that is in 720p. YouTube will keep the current offerings available for those on the lower end of the broadband spectrum and those not wanting to wait for the buffering it will take to load these videos.
via [CNET]
Is Youtube starting to charge for downloads?? Was this just me or was this something in the news that I missed today. I started watching this video of and there was a link below it for $0.99 for the download of the video via Google checkout. Is Youtube out of their minds??? Youtube is the king of FREE videos. Where on the face of this planet would someone pay for a FREE video?? Really?? Do you know h0w MANY YouTube downloaders there are out there. Did YouTube really think this one through??!!
If you would pay for a good, high quality version of a video, please leave a comment below, because right now, I know of no one!