So I saw a facebook friend asking for new music, as I had a few months back. So I had to offer someone I found late last year while working at one my temporary positions. I met a very cool guy who goes by the name of Dan Fenton. The first thing I thought of, was a guitar, but I digress. He wasn’t much of a huge talker of his band (that I heard) but he offered a few rounds of tickets to his show that he was having one Saturday night. Coincidentally, that was also the last Friday that I worked at that job. So I went to the show with no expectations. It was a little place in Nashville called the Cannery ballroom. Awesome venue, if you have never been, small but great sound!! So a few of the co-workers were there and had seen him before and highly recommended it.
Let’s just say, I was easily blown away by their sound and soul. A little southern rock and a LOT of wonderful sound. Dan has a very unique voice and the band is an amazing compliment to the Louisianan bayou music style that I was listening too. I was hooked. I think this music can round many fashions, and all sorts of people will love this music. So with nothing much left to say, I would say here is a sample, Delta by Feedback Revival
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=051aff” width=”100%” height=”81″ ]
If you would like to hear more, there is plenty to go around. You can hear more free tracks on Soundcloud. You can check out their website You can also purchase (which I highly recommend) their debut album “In the Woods” on iTunes or Amazon.